As soon as the child reaches around three years, parents begin to worry about choosing a great kindergarten. Be it India or America, Kindergarten is the place where the foundation of a kid’s education is laid. A minor negligence in this matter can seriously spoil the future of your baby. Therefore, parents should be very careful while choosing kindergarten. In this article we will discuss how to choose a kindergarten for your child and things you should keep in mind before finalizing one.
1. Location
When finalizing a kindergarten, location plays an important role. You surely don’t want to go with a kindergarten that is either far away from your house or is not in a safe area.
Choose any kindergarten, from where, you or your family member can easily commute your baby. It makes no sense to excite yourself about a wonderful kindergarten that is far away from your location. You don’t want your infant to travel a lot in his early years. Do you?
2. Opening and Closing Hours
If you are a working couple, then you have to choose a kindergarten that suits your timetable. You have to consider all the variants. Before finalizing one, you must talk to the management about your timetable. In case, you are expecting a change in your working hours, you must discuss it with kindergarten’s head. Like you, they too have a schedule to follow. Do keep in mind that your infant will be paying for any mistake you make here.
3. Course / Program
Before choosing kindergarten, it is very important for you to know about the activities and methodologies of the kindergarten. For example, if you want your child to learn English from the very beginning, then you must choose a kindergarten where English is strictly practiced. Before choosing kindergarten for your child, think carefully about what kind of future you wish for him.
Try to collect as much as details you can about the course. Watch closely, whether they are focusing on mental development or only bookish knowledge? How their course programs are designed? Are they doing anything to improve your baby’s overall development or not?
I must tell you that how your kid is going to learn thing, is an important concept. If the method adopted is interesting, you can expect your baby to learn things with interest. It is all about developing interest for learning.
4. Talk To Other Parents Associated With That Kindergarten
Before choosing kindergarten, you should also investigate yourself a little. You must spend a few hours on the internet for this. Read the reviews of other people about that kindergarten on Google, Facebook etc. If possible, talk to other parents related to that kindergarten. Their recommendations are extremely valuable and can save you from choosing a bad kindergarten.
5. Minimize The List of Kindergartens
After analyzing a few kindergartens on the basis of the above criteria, you will be able to narrow down your list. Minimizing the list of kindergartens is very important because this way you can focus on a few very good kindergartens. After doing this, you should carefully check your new list. Nowadays every kindergarten owns a website and you can have all the necessary information from there. Based on this information, you need to further minimize your list. Next step is calling them all.
6. Contact Kindergarten Directly
Finally, you have a list of your most preferred and suitable kindergarten. Now, you need to contact them all.
Ask for all important information, cost, schedule, lesson schedule, exact location, transport facilities, security arrangements, kindergarten education staff’s education or qualification levels, etc. When you ask front questions automatically remove those options you do not allow or that have things you do not agree with.
While choosing kindergarten, do not go through the kindergarten flick because today big companies are in this business and do not leave any stone unturned to attract parents. It is better to connect with a big and expensive name in the waste, choose a small but kind kindergarten, which is not only accessible to you but also good for your child’s future.